My body has traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Definitely the high point so far for Cole.

The Philippine Tarsier is only found on Bohol and and is considered one of if not the smallest primate in the world, as well as a threatened and protected species.

Note the innocuousjug in Bong's hand. Coconut wine, the local moonshine. I guess if it can be fermented someone will do it. Picked up from a local shack. Not terrible but does have a very earthy flavor. From what I can gather it is made by tapping the coconut on the tree similar to maple syrup.

We actually ran into a couple at the Nuts Huts from Wisconsin of all places. They were in their third month in SE Asia. She showed us pictures of the 6" spider in their room. I headed back alone to our room just a bit paranoid in the extreme dark. Feeling kinda silly searching the room when I got back.

It was only about 4" across but hanging from the bathroom ceiling was enough to freak me out. Good thing I was exhausted or I would have never slept.
Another beautiful morning on the river.

Rice harvesting
Two elderly gentlemen out for a leisulrely morning stroll. Nothing out of the ordinary? Note the large blades on their hips. The one of the left has a large Karit.


Steve Perry said...

Wow. What great images.

And, having grown up in Louisiana with all manner of creepy, crawly, stinging, or slithery critters -- if it is posionous and lives in the U.S., save for, I think Gila Monsters, it roams just outside Baton Rouge -- I have to say I'm happy to be living in Oregon.

I got nothing against spiders, but if I see one chasing mice around my room? Brrrr ...

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo's!
It sure does feel nice not to check the corners of your room before going to bed at night dosn't it?! HA HA.
I would have to say that the Nuts Huts stay was a fantastic time and I would reconmand it to anyone who wants a adventure out of the normal for a small fee of around $15-$18 a night,not to mention that the food was really good too!

I'll give it 2 thumbs up!
