My body has traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fantasy Fight Club

We’ve all seen the stuff people with too much time and too little brains do.
Fantasy Football, Fantasy NASCAR, Fantasy Basketball
You can go online, flesh out your team, make trades ect and watch their performance.
Years ago MTV ran a Claymation show called Celebrity Deathmatch.

Now combine the two.

My son is in the 9th grade. Now remember back to when you were 14. Brain still developing at a high rate, testosterone, imagination is in full bloom.

He has a friend who is admittedly somewhat of a geek.
But the boy’s father IMO is one bad MF, yet a hell of a nice guy.
He enjoys when my son and I come over because it helps his son learn to be a bit more outgoing and learn more about the dangers of the world.
As they hang out he and I will talk and it will often gravitate towards violence of some sort. Common ground I guess. He gave me the title of this Blog in fact.
He grew up in an abused home. His father once learned that the school bus driver was feeling up his older sister.
He was tasked with taking the bus the next day and beating the hell out of the driver at 14yrs of age.
And he did it too. When one hand got bloody, he used the other while holding the doors shut with his foot so the police couldn’t get in till he was done.
As he put it “I was way more afraid of what my father would do than anything the police or administrators could do”.
And yet, when his kids were younger, he ran a daycare and the mothers idolized him.
So much for “your environment determines who you end up as”

At the movies the other night he told me the latest.

Seems a bunch of the 9th grade boys are running a Fantasy Father Fight club. They match up everybody’s father as to who they think would kick whose ass.
Turns out he and I are now at the top of the standings! The other boys want to have us fight so they can film it and put it on youtube.
All he could say was “boy, those other kids sure don’t have much faith in their fathers”
I told him I’m up for it. We can take side bets on ourselves and I’ll take a fall. I’m good with 2nd place. Maybe we can use foam noodles.

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