My body has traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved

Friday, January 18, 2008

News Alert

We're currently under yet another Weather Alert. There's an arctic blast coming with some storm front and accompanying that is a bunch of snow.
Big Friggin deal. It's Michigan, yeah I expect that.
I see a new trend happening here. Anything bad happens, well the news wants to make sure their ass is covered. "Hey we let you know first, it's not our fault you had to shovel two inches of snow."
I signed up for weather alerts by email from the local news stations weather dept. I swear, the National Weather Service became a bunch of tools after Katrina. Any little hickup in the weather, it's a bloody alert. And of course the News station sends it on.
It started to get cold around 7PM last night.
The stupid ALERT came out THE DAY BEFORE!
The is the next step after 911 and the rolling news feed at the bottom of CNN. Every other day I turn on the TV and if the weather punk hasn't interupted to show us the radar, there's a little map of all the warnings on the bottom of the screen obscuring what's being already broadcast.
Can't switch to my digital recorder fast enough. Gawd, I love that thing.
Here's Lewis Black talking about the news feeds ON CNN btw.

It's supposed to be cold and snow a bunch in the next couple of days.
Yeah, so?
I guess there's only one thing to do.

Fire up the new sled


Anonymous said...

Nice sled!
Im up at 5:30am and I watch the local news for about 10 minutes before heading off to work, in that 10 minutes they recao the weather 3 times. So I switch to the next staition and BAM another weather report.Is Michigan weather becoming so unpredictable that it changes every 5 minutes?
You caputered it perfectly TOOLS!

Steve Perry said...

Ooh, new toy!

We don't get enough of the frozen precip here to use snow machines, though they are predicting a dusting in the next few days.

Is it, however, nineteen degrees F. out there right now, and the sun is already up. So much for the balmy Pacific Northwest ...

steve-vh said...

I was going to post an update later today after I took a few pics. It's been snowing pretty much for the past 5 days. There's 17" compacted on my outdoor grill! I was going to head several hours north tomorrow with a few guys from work to go riding. We realized yesterday, this is the best snow in years so we're all meeting at my house and taking the local state trail right from here for the whole day.
A few years ago I figured I might as well get in on the fun.