My body has traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Putrified brains

Youtube can be pretty kewl, you can find just about anything if you know how to look (though how Steve Perry finds it, I'll have to wait another 20yrs to understand).
Not that you can find everything, but alot of things., though most of the guys teaching quality martial arts aren't posting vids for just anyone, expecially some fool with a modem.

But there's a dark side. Yes, I'm talking about the putrification of our children's brains.
Cole's a reasonably bright kid. Loves computer games but can put on the gloves and throwdown with just about anyone. GPA of 4.0 (yeah, I am proud, so?).

But I could only shake my head at what the kids at school are turning him on to these days.......

WARNING: only watch once. I am not responsible if this burns into your memory in a loop.

Now, to set your brain straight, here's some real stimulating viewing with the Bobbe Edmonds highbrow stamp of approval.

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