My body has traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mushtaq's Birthday Bash

Headed off to Mushtaq's for our weekly training and mayhem session Sunday
However this week was a bit different, it being his birthday.
Janet planned for guests to arrive shortly after our training finished so Roberta came along and so did Cole. Cole's pretty busy since College dual enrollment already started but with it being Mushtaq's birthday he would not be denied.
And a birthday is a thin enough excuse to break out the pointy things and execute the water bottles.

Chris also built a throwing apparatus for tomahawk and knife throwing to be used at the tournament in Chicago. It's now installed at Mushtaq's for a while.

This photo would atcually be Roberta's first throwing success.

You can be sure when Mushtaq's friends gather round, the food is phenomenal.

One of the prizes Cole won at the tournament was a Cold Steel Finn Wolf Knife. Figured I might as well try it out.

Mushtaq also taught Cole how to put a good edge on one of his tournament prizes. Pretty good job I'd say.

This one tried to escape so Chris pinned him down first

Now this is a Balisong. Got it back in 04 but never actually cut with it before, LOL

Now hold still

and Cole says "that's all"


Steve Perry said...

The bottle slayers are back. Violence! Violence!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me it worked right? I dont want to sumit it again if i do not have to! Either the blog glitced out or i am an idiot, the second option doesnt surprise me lol. thanks for a great blog!