My body has traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kia Hamster rap

I'm not a Kia guy but ya gotta love their latest commercial skilzz.


Snaggles said...

Haha! They keep making commercials like that and I'll drive a Kia.

Who would have thought that the large car companies have gone more bland than stale Nilla wafers...but Kia is staying fresh?

It reminds me of a music video by Jurassic 5 where they dress in animal outfits. Definitely cheaper than 3D but the source of many awesome animated gifs.

Steve Perry said...

My dogs went crazy when the first of these commercials came on -- one that starts with the giant hamsters in exercise wheels. They could hear the squeak from the other room and they'd come a'runnin'.

This one, they don't see to recognize the hamsters as such, so it's an improvement ...