My body has traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cebu at last

After two glorious days in the jungle we made it to our home for the next 6 days, Cebu City.
The population of Cebu City is close to 800,000, almost as much of all of Bohol Island.
Last time we were here we spent 90% of our time in the city so I knew it would be somewhat of an abrupt stop from all the natural beauty of the islands.
But then again Arnis was the whole point of the trip and there alr different things to see and experience in Cebu that are just as significant.
We went from staying in a hut in the jungle to a five star hotel, the Crown Regency Towers. Tallest buildings in Cebu. Quite the change.

View of Cebu from the 9th floor balcony

The only requirement for the first day was registration at Doce Pares Headquarters and then the officials meeting elsewhere where we finally met up with folks we hadn't seen in a while.

3rd floor of the DP headquarters where I fought last time(It's much different at 7PM)
The roof where fights were held as well
After the meeting we took some time to walk around the local streets and experience all the amazing stuff for sale.
Cole was in heaven with the amazing variety of fruits for sale.

The stick in the middle is called a Pinga. A piece of bamboo or rattan with notches on the end for carying baskets, ect. But also a formidible weapon in the hands of KP Bong and one of the weapons taught in his system.
Bong bargaining for Rolex watches.
Final price? $5
Puppies for Sale!!!

So, these working girls were giving Cole the wink, wink, smile and a wave. Had to get their picture.
Bonsai for sale
The most sweet pineapple ever
Jackfruit. Not as bad as durian (more on that later) but not the best smelling. It's much better dried.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't know you got up to the roof at the DP HQ!
I love seeing the pic'd you post, it takes me back each and every time I see them. Thanks
