My body has traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Using the little stat tracker I have loaded can be kinda fun, just to see where people are and what they were searching for. And a bit misleading.
I made a post a very, long time ago called "motivati**als for the d*y".

I routinely get hits for this daily and "a large or*nge drink". (what? are people in the drive through surfing on their phone and they forget to talk into the speaker in the clown?)

I guess people need the internet everyday for their motivation. What would they do before they had it? Stay home and watch Jerry Springer to feel better?
For those of you who need a few more:

And just for Bobbe:


Steve Perry said...

Speaking of dirty minds ...

Where did Blackgrave go? Click on his link, I get this:

Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Steve Perry said...

Talked to Blackgrave on Facebook. He was having browser problems doing blog stuff, so he just junked the whole thing. I told him he should maybe try a different browse, so we'll see if he comes back ...